
As Empowering Girls continues to be one of Rotary's top initiatives, with both RI President Jennifer and President-Elect Gordon committing to its facilitation and enhancement over the next two years, District 7030 aims to provide its clubs with as much information, resources and support as possible to successfully develop and implement projects and activities which #EmpowerGirlsNow.
Rotary District 7030 is pleased to announce the appointments of Rotaract and Rotary District 7030 Advocates for the Empowering Girls Presidential Initiative as follows:
- District 7030 Advocate for Rotaract clubs: Anya Blankendal, Past District Rotaract Representative, Rotaract Club of Genesis, Suriname;
- District 7030 Advocate for Rotary clubs: Maria Mohammed-Maharaj, Assistant Governor, East Trinidad Cluster, Rotary Club of St Augustine, Trinidad.
Both Anya and Maria will be reaching out to Rotaract and Rotary Clubs to start building the Empowering Girls Team for District 7030.
Team members will include Area Advocates and Club Champions(/Advocates). For further details on the team, please see below:
- An Empowering Girls District Advocate for Rotary and Rotaract clubs is appointed/confirmed by the presiding District Governor and serve to encourage, promote and support respective club projects and activities, while also providing valuable information and resources to club members
- A District Advocate for Rotary and/or Rotaract clubs acts as the primary point person for all things Empowering Girls within the district, as well as, as a liaison to the Zones 33/34 Empowering Girls Team
- At their choosing and with the endorsement and encouragement of the Zones, each District Advocate (or District Governor) may convene a team of persons to assist with the roles and responsibilities of the charge, with such persons working alongside and with the District Advocate. Such persons may be considered Empowering Girls Area Advocates and may follow a similar structure and purview as Area Governors in most, if not all, districts, particularly when it comes to dividing, managing and liaising with several clubs in a single district.
- District and Area Advocate appointments should be for at least one Rotary year where it is up to each district as to whether an appointment rolls over into succeeding years.
- Each District Advocate for Rotary and/or Rotaract clubs, as well as, any and all Area Advocates are advised to review and apply Rotary's Youth Protection guidelines and to promote the same among district and club leaders
- Each District Advocate for Rotary and/or Rotaract clubs, as well as, any and all Area Advocates are required to complete the Protecting Youth Program Participants course in the Rotary Learning Center and to promote the same among district and club leaders
- If you are interested in becoming an Empowering Girls Area Advocate, contact the following:
- For Rotaract: Anya Blankendal: anya.blankendal@gmail.com
- For Rotary: Maria Mohammed-Maharaj: maria@kamodesigns.com
Clubs are asked to consider what current or potential projects may be adapted or developed to #EmpowerGirlsNow, as well as, whether any members would like to be part of the District Empowering Girls Team.
To keep updated, please join our Facebook Group: Rotary District 7030: Empowering Girls Advocacy Program Group.