COP Program Initiatives
Are we ready to combine the power of every Rotarian in District 7030 to take on the problem of Childhood Obesity? Together, we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change—across the globe, in our communities and in ourselves...
In order to achieve our vision which is to reduce the incidence of childhood obesity back to less than 5% of the adolescent population in our District by 2025, we need Rotarians, Rotaractors and all members and associates of the Rotary family to commit to supporting the campaign.
Ideally, the COP program intends to work with local and regional public health and education authorities in the Caribbean toward the following initiatives:
- Provide targeted schools with scales and measuring facilities in order to establish a Body Mass Index (BMI) baseline study in 2020 and promote annual measurement to assess output and impact of healthy weight interventions
- Develop a "playbook" with which Rotarians can act as ambassadors for the program by delivering consistent messages to children and parents about healthy lifestyles
- Install safe water drinking fountains in schools and provide Rotary branded reusable water bottles
- Promote water as the healthy alternative to sweetened beverages
- Support healthy outdoor activities using Rotaract and Interact Clubs to lead the activities where possible
- Support and mentor primary school canteens to serve healthy food in balanced appropriate quantities
Additionally, the program aims to pursue partnerships with other service-oriented groups, as well as, stakeholders from the private sector and business community to increase the reach of the District 7030 Childhood Obesity Prevention program and its initiatives and thereby work to halt the increase of childhood obesity and eventually reduced its incidence in the Caribbean.
1) Installation of water dispensers (coolers or fountains) on school compounds
Rationale: The installation of water dispensers around school compounds encourage students to drink more water by:
a) Putting drinking water in easily accessible locations
b) Eliminating the financial barrier for students to access drinking water
c) Assuring students that water being consumed is treated and suitable for drinking
b) Eliminating the financial barrier for students to access drinking water
c) Assuring students that water being consumed is treated and suitable for drinking
2) Distribution of reusable water bottles to students
a) This will allow students to carry safe drinking water with them at all times, allowing them to consume more water
b) Branded water bottles can bring visibility to the initiative and increase buy-in from students, teachers, parents and other stakeholders.
3) Launching a school-wide fitness challenge (e.g. using pedometers)
Rationale: Fostering friendly competition either class vs class or school vs school. Prizes can be offered for the best-performing individual, class, school etc. This approach will encourage broader participation by students including students who are not athletic. The element of competition and the introduction of prizes serve as a further incentive for participation.
4) Scheduling fitness sessions and workshops
Rationale: Led by guest facilitators targeted at both teachers and students to educate on the importance of exercise and introduce new forms of exercise to students and teachers (e.g. yoga, CrossFit, etc.). With the permission of parents, ministry of health and ministry of education. All safety precautions will be taken to ensure the health and safety of the children taking part in the project
5) Work with School Feeding Programmes and School Cafeterias to create healthier menus
Rationale: Revision of existing menus with a dietician to come up with healthy, cost-effective alternatives. The new menu or guideline will be decided upon after meeting with dieticians as well as Health and Education Ministries, and then distributed to all public and private schools involved in the program.
6) Hosting seminars
Rationale: In person and virtual for students, parents, cafeteria staff, etc. on healthy diets
7) Development of a healthy diet cookbook
Rationale: Recipes that are cost-effective and appealing to children