
Lisle Chase | 2020-2021 District 7030 Governor
In order for us to achieve our objective of creating a bigger and stronger Rotary organization, we need to:
- Increase our Impact
- Expand our Reach
- Enhance Participant Engagement, and
- Increase our ability to adapt
In pursuit of our objective, we will build on the excellent work being done in District 7030 in tackling Diabetes in 2019/2020 Rotary year, by introducing a structured project to reduce the incidence of Childhood Obesity, which has grown at an alarming rate in this area.
We have a team of Rotarians working on the project to ensure that we will have maximum effect thought the District. It will be modular so that clubs can choose what they want to or can afford to do.
If we leverage the lessons of the Polio Plus campaign which has brought the world “this close” to ending Polio, we will know that we must be consistent and we must be prepared to stay with the program until we can hand over to the community .
Join Team 7030 in the fight to prevent Childhood Obesity!