With the conclusion of the 2016 Council on Legislation, RI is pleased to provide Rotarians with the Report of Action.
In this report, Rotarians will find:
  • A letter from General Secretary Hewko
  • Legislation that was adopted at the Council, including amended legislation
  • Vote tallies for the adopted items
  • An Opposition to Legislation Report Form
Clubs may use the opposition form to voice their disagreement to an adopted enactment or resolution. Completed forms must reach Council Services by 15 August 2016. More information about this form can be found in General Secretary Hewko’s letter.
In addition to the Report of Action, RI would like to provide an update on the Manual of Procedure (MOP). The 2016 MOP will consist of Rotary’s governance documents, which were included as the yellow pages in previous versions. Since the MOP is published once every three years, the reference information found in the former white pages quickly became out of date and inconsistent with the Rotary Code of Policies, thus it has been decided to no longer include it.
In order to help transition to a shorter MOP, Rotary will provide a list of resources and will also translate the Rotary Code of Policies into key languages, which will allow Rotarians to reference the current policies. The Rotary Code can be found on Additional information on the new MOP will be sent to club presidents and district governors in the next few months.
If you have any questions about the report or the Council on Legislation or the 2016 MOP, please contact RI's Council Services.